Thursday, September 11, 2008

It's hard out there for a lib...


Never has it been more inconvenient to be a right leaning Libertarian. 3/4 of this campus thinks Obama is Jesus. A smattering have pro-McCain bumper stickers. But us poor libs? Have taken to creeping around like first century Christians in the catacombs beneath Rome, drawing little statues of liberty in the sand to identify each other, lest we be tossed into the ring with the lions.

We're still working on that secret handshake thing.


Kayra said...

I'm in an alternate universe. I'm afraid someone will plant a burning cross on my lawn if I dare say something against the old man and his barbie running mate. Explain to me again why we only include the 2 major parties in the debates? Back in Panama, they have at least 5 different candidates and they all get to say their peace.

AgaveGirl said...
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AgaveGirl said...

And one freaking day I'll learn how to edit comments instead of deleting and replacing them.

I invited you to join the Land of O over here then realized you might not be so thrilled about that either. Ha!

Maybe I just need to move to Panama.

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